Medical Innovations Incubator

HOME OF 4C - Enabling Medical Innovations

The Medical Innovations Incubator GmbH was founded on November 28 2014 as a 100% subsidiary of the non-profit Foundation for Medical Innovations. Together, the employees of both institutions are pursuing the major goal of turning the foundation’s purpose of “promoting medical innovations” into reality.

Ingo Hämmerle, MSc

CEO, Consultant & Expert for C1-Commercialization

“(Medical) Innovation arise when ideas become reality. 4C Connected and Regulatory Thinking® are the key ingredients for MedTech entrepreneurs.”

Ingo is the Managing Director of the MII and the Incubator Invest GmbH as well as Co-Founder of the startup Fysor GmbH. As an industrial engineer, he previously held various management positions in medium-sized companies. Together with his team, he developed the 4C Concept and is a pioneer in Regulatory Thinking®. Ingo is an active member of important networks in the Medical Life Science industry to pursue his mission: paving the way for medical innovation.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII

Dr. Ramona Samba

Consultant & Expert for C2-Certification

Let‘s get things done!“

Ramona is a consultant at the MII with a special expertise in the area of C2-Certification. She has 12 years of experience in applied life science research and technology transfer. In her main role, she is CEO of the MedTech startup sync2brain GmbH. The practical knowledge and experience gained from her role as CEO also enrich her consulting and coaching activities at the MII.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII

Dr. Henrike Stutzki

Consultant & Expert for C3-Clinical Studies

“Freedom in mind creates ideas.“

Henrike is a consultant at the MII with a focus on C3-Clinical Studies. She has many years of experience in the MedTech industry in coordinating clinical trials for medical devices but also brings a scientific background in biology and neuroscience . In addition to MII, she works as Head of Clinical Affairs at the MedTech startup sync2brain GmbH. Her practical experience from previous positions as well as from her current role in a startup are add great value to her coaching and consulting of our clients.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII
  • Consultant for business model development in the healthcare industry with a focus on regulatory and clinical affairs in the “Steinbeis-Exi-Gutschein” program funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism
  • Juror in the “Junge Innovatoren” funding program of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts for the evaluation of business ideas
Philipp Krais

Christian Dorn, MSc

Consultant & Expert for C1-Commercialization

We can‘t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used, when we created them.“

​Christian is a consultant at the MII with a special expertise in topics related to C1-Commercialization. He is a Lean enthusiast and has several years of experience as a project manager in the automotive industry and in strategic design and innovation consulting.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII
Philipp Krais

Lea Rebholz, MA (née Renz)

Marketing & Event Manager

„A smart and elaborated realization of innovative ideas is at the heart of every success story.“

Lea is Marketing and Event Manager at the Medical Innovations Incubator GmbH. As a Master’s graduate in media studies, she knows how to translate the complex requirements of the healthcare industry into accessible content and formats.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII
Prof. Dr. med. h.c. mult. Eberhart Zrenner

Prof. Dr. med. h.c. mult. Eberhart Zrenner

Advisory Board MII & Chairman of the Foundation for Medical Innovations

„In order to transform new promising findings from our research labs into remedies for our patients, a lively, fast acting, health care embedded startup culture is the key for success.”

Prof. Zrenner is a former member of the German Council for Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) of the Federal Government. He is a distinguished professor for ophthalmology at the University of Tübingen and co-founder of the Retina Implant AG and other companies.

Networks, committees, and activities beyond the MII
Philipp Krais

Peeraporn (May) Cikos

Backoffice Management

„It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.“

May works in the back office at the Medical Innovations Incubator GmbH. She support our team by handling all the administrative tasks, include accounting, HR, and office management, and therby enabling a smooth front office workflow.

If you are interested in becoming one of our coaches or mentors, please contact us!